DMLR.org is about Direct Marketing, Internet Marketing, E-Marketing, and much more!
DMLR News has been delivering original articles, tips, tracks, to all subscribers for 15 years.
Now experience... www.dmlr.org
  1. I named this personal website d.m.l.r. since day one—August 22nd, 1997 marked the first page uploaded on-line!
  2. this website is about Direct Marketing, Internet Marketing, Green Marketing, and much more... while the web-based email DMLR newsletter has been delivering original articles, reviews, tips, tracks to all subscribers for free!
  3. 2000 the project got more visibility by adopting its own web domain, www.dmlr.org
  4. dmlr.org has been registered as service mark (SM)
  5. this website is optimized for a screen resolution of 1024x768 pixels
  6. here other social media connections to DonRo as the author
  7. 2022 recorded the twentyfifth year of Direct Marketing Linked Resources as continuous website online!
    #S T A Y T U N E D!
  8. 2023 I was able to revamp the DMLR*News Gold Series by editing the brand-new no.52 marketing newsletter right in its original format. Since then the DMLR*News issues have been focusing on AI, social media, climate change, memory loss, cinema
    (to be continued...)
Roberto Dondi, webmaster
donro (at) dmlr (dot) org
February, 2025

Creative Commons License
Post-it! Dmlr.org by Roberto Dondi is licensed
under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Archive  dmlr.org  (2009-2021)
Browse the current list of contents—stories, reviews, commentaries—I have been publishing online from 2009 to 2021.
Site Map


Main directory is www.dmlr.org/. This website has been developed more as horizontal structure than as vertical hierarchy, that is a very wide range of pages exists at the first level: 29 in Italian, 27 in English, 4 in other or mixed languages.
Sub-directories at 2nd level are (12):
/blog, /come, /link, /pdf, /top, /newsletter, /dmlrnews, /1ite, /marketing, /webmarketing, /vintage, /news, and /interpower.
All these sections are currently hosting 608 PAGES as a whole (585 .html and 23 .pdf) and contents equal to about 11 million bytes!
Since the 2nd level quickly files different series of articles, you may search on www.dmlr.org by a word or phrase reflecting the topic you are interested in (last indexed as of February 2025).

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What is a site map?
A map is a short but complete information on the structure one website is organized in. This can be helpful in surfing it as fast as possible. 

What is a web structure?
Structure is the hierarchy ordering pages, chapters, sections, links that compile a Web site. It is the hidden side supporting what you see, something like the architecture on building or the organizational scheme on enterprise.
When surfing DMLR site, always remember its motto: "Respecting the visitor's online time."

Why won't a page match your interest?
Make sure you are not in the wrong place. Misunderstanding can also be attributed to striking the wrong URL page within a site. Don't hold your online session by the business end.

Leave fast if you are not satisfied here! The text on this website is available in English and Italian. Take a look at the first page as index of contents in ENG or ITA if you'd like to see how to properly light your attention.

square1.htm start.html
B-side.htm b-side.html
META.htm meta.html
guide.htm guida.html
GOLD_50.htm ORO_50.html
GOLD_Xtra ORO_Xtra
MAG.htm mag.html
EXTRA.htm extra.html

 Since 2000 this website is the playground for Inter_Power! FCIM

 All pages get off the ground from MacOS9/OSX.
 Dmlr.org best viewed on PC/MAC screen resolution at 1024x768.
 On your browser's bar www.dmlr.org pages will pop up with a dmlr icon