The Big Chill |
Gruppenbild mit DameThis is about harshness. Three facts on a week are considered an evidence of the big chill!
The Professor is convincing Italians that austerity will save the Eurozone... As for me, the salvation act stands on best understanding the relationship between those so iced news... From the library I'm reading Heinrich Böll, the European writer, so that within a week Leni Gruyten will bury the German in me and before carnival Katharina Blum will rescue me from the bad rules that rule every community. Ich bin entrüstet! --Last updated: 02/05/2012. |
Gold Is Not Dead [News System Is] |
Guide to Gold...Epiphany. Gold's tempting people look at one product differently from the ordinary range of merchandise. When we buy we're obsessed by objects as gold as color, packaging, name, symbol. Gold is our 'agent provocateur' adding value to consumer goods --they have to have sex appeal too! The golden products let buyers feel the price is worth paying because they get premium quality from... integrity, accuracy, fidelity, or respect. (...Just like a piece of news is not informing you for the sake of information. Headlines and formats and anchormen are the provocative agents that induce an audience to break the law of attention and be convicted!) --Last updated: 01/06/2011. |
The Beaubourg-effect [ou information en solde de Noël] |
Information: Magasin ≠ Magazine!Information has to be free or expensive? The right information in the right time just changes one's life (+ value). But the information in the form of electronic distribution is available at lower cost every day (− value). The big issues in the corporate world seem to be whether content should be supported by advertising, subscriptions or micropayments –not whether such material should be completely free... (from Fortune Europe Edition no.14, page 121). Read only high-value news magazine! ![]() In French language the term 'magasin' sounds closely like 'magazine', but they are different (≠). Magazine has become the department store of information with a commercial purpose. Magazine is the modern container of advertising delivered to single consumers in the form of print, tv, radio, web media. That container is apparently free of charge for the user, but the content is usually expensive to the consumer who benefits for the received information. Google, iPhone, Facebook are the final service to be sold on the modern newsmagazine, unless you're reading magazines focusing on fashion, sports, economy, fitness, music and on. PS. I call it the Beaubourg-effect as it worked the same way for the consuming of the culture, when in Paris a free container has been becoming more important than its contents... Last updated: 12/19/2008 |
Citizen Journalism |
Pandemonium or Something in the press (does not compute)It all began with the Fourth Estate on Citizen Kane and such a saying: "It's the Press, honey! And nothing can stop that...". About 70 years later, many publishers sense they don't belong here since the Internet became the hottest button in the media landscape. Is the magazine you want going to be out of print?... or are you surprised to find your newspaper still in print?... are no news really good news for the print media? The Internet means freedom of information, it's the mirror of the changing society. The Internet penetration is reaching almost 25 per cent of the worldwide population, i.e. one out of four people is a Net user. No more an élite medium but actually a mass medium! Bye bye the printing presses, baby, this is the World Wide Web! In the forefront of the print media some newspapers will go on-line and stop delivering their traditional paper edition. This is happening first in the USA. Europe will follow in a little while, probably from the Netherlands, United Kingdom or Finland where the Internet penetration is stronger... or wherever the publishing industry is aware of the golden rule that wants 4-5 leading journals surviving for each country in the end. This trend won't affect the countries hostile to the Internet and the so called risky countries because of censorship. As for the strange case of Italy, no one can't work out whether it will be the best answer to the press crisis but you could consider this country opened to all these ways
PS. The wise one says: There is no bad or good news, but only news! [DMLR*News no.44]Last updated: 12/04/2009 |
Wall Street |
"Information is the greatest commodity!"What is an asymmetrical information? Let's read page 61 on "Freakonomics" by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner. It is common for one party to a transaction to have better information than another party. In the parlance of economists, such a case is known as an information asymmetry. We accept as a verity of capitalism that someone (usually an expert) knows more than someone else (usually a consumer). But information asymmetries everywhere have in fact been gravely wounded by the Internet. Information is the currency of the Internet. As a medium, the Internet is brilliantly efficient at shifting information from the hands of those who have it into the hands of those who do not.. Going on, the same book is making the examples (and names) of the so-called corporate scandals of the early 2000s to introduce the concept of information crime... Though extraordinarily diverse, these crimes all have a common trait: they were sins of information. Most of them involved an expert, or a gang of experts, promoting false information or hiding true information; in each case the experts were trying to keep the information asymmetry as asymmetrical as possible. (...)One characteristic of information crimes is that very few of them are detected [and] For an information crime to reach the surface, something drastic must happen. PS. Freakonomics' blog can be found at [See also DMLR*News no.43]Last updated: 03/01/2009 |
Marketing Intelligence |
"You're Nobody Unless Your Name Googles Well"What to do in a recession? The marketer is a bit nervous and unstable since her glittering discipline is becoming more similar to a superflous practice or even worse, the marketing like the love in the times of cholera! But fortunately, there is a real world and there is a second life... Let's read the dictionary. Marketing | 'märkiti NG | is the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising. Thus marketing mix is a combination of factors that can be controlled by a company to influence consumers to purchase its products. Furthermore the marketing in virtual words! Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is when companies seek to draw many Internet surfers to their websites from search engines such as Google. Thus Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of making a site 'search-engine friendly'. Social Network Marketing is when companies seek to reach consumers that want to be socially connected online whether on mass appeal sites such as MySpace, on targeted niche sites and video sites or on mobile phones almost everywhere. ...Meanwhile the online advertising market is stalling for the very first time since the dotcom era and after a flourishing with over 60 billion dollars to be spent worldwide this year. Just Google resist and keep on hiring new employees, only that these are 519 at 3Q/2008 vs. 2,130 the same period of the previous year! PS. Marketing motto for a recession: stay hungry, stay foolish! [NEWS updating the marketing magazine as follows --click the banner!]![]() Last updated: 10/30/2008 |
Once Upon A Time In Italy |
"Even today Italy has lost 2.36 million euro!"You listen to some radio broadcasting news on economy and you can't believe what you are hearing on the air... That daily loss is because of the airline company best known as Alitalia, la compagnia di bandiera ( The company was already well known inside the civil air transportation history for at least four or five arguments, here in no alphabetic order: its legendary presidents, its proud pilots, its composed hostess — plus their uniforms' designers — and, last but not least, its customized services — for example, the delivery of a donkey as present to an Italian actress! Now Radio24, the official voice of Confindustria, is alerting every day the audience about this not strange but steep account every Italian has to pay for allowing the air company to survive and make business without any good reason on the sky above. This is one of the best examples of a negative case history where too many politicians have forgotten the market rules in the sake of national pride. That news is terrific since every day a nice voice is repeating the amount of wasted money as a sign of corruption nobody would like to believe... ...Meanwhile the Italian government has just announced the company's second restructuring this year, slashing 7,000 jobs. While the plan is still up in the air, that cipher of redundancy is flying high, more and more. PS. Suggested jingle: Spendi, spandi, effendi. Free marketing tip: launching a blog run by the airline, reading every comment posted by unhappy customers and taking note of them! [NEWS updating the marketing magazine as follows --click the banner!]![]() Last updated: 08/28/2008 |
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