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S.O.S.or »Diary from the Underground«(INTRO) It is rumoured it run 1999. Not exactly a handwritten work, rather a word processing draft reviving an original manuscript. The copy was found and probably bought for a very small sum at a flea market. The author must have signed the script since the second cover page contains this autographed sentence: what does it remain from a German study? 1979— Do you remember the Gitanes? Who smoked those cigarettes was much more demanding than who smoked the other brands... For the NO-smokers it was all for taking instructions on the scale of the lung disease, filtered un-filtered, than the brands in order of suggestion and price. You'll live much more by (NOT) smoking Gauloises, Camel, Marlboro! The most unseemly thing was not the lesson around the probability of surviving but the ability of keeping the cigarette case between the pants and the shirt, careless of the pointed angles of the packet pushing inside the close-fitting jeans, full of objects from the house keys to the lighter. Always ready to the question: «Sorry, would you light my cigarette?»— As teenagers --how to say it?-- they could look like the Yugoslavs, a few things + a lot of fantasy. There was even Tele Capodistria that was 'captured' in the Northern Italy, so it was known about (as seen on TV) Hajduk Split, the team of Surjak, and the Red Star Belgrade, that of Petrovic´, Savic´ and Sestic´. What else would you have to remember? One could know of the Bridge on the Drina, but just nothing of Goli Otok. Meanwhile it was taken in something from beyond the boundary. Maybe thereabouts they have been hearing Celentano and 24,000 baci! — It was played the handball, a Yugoslav sport above all. So one could grew up along with a panyugoslav vision of things. On the mental count of ten you will be in Europe, so choose the best vehicle you prefer to travel! [or send your email here] — 1959 - 1969 - 1979 - 1989: fine decadi che scandiscono il termine di anni ottimistici, favolosi, mitici, opulenti. Ora si aspetta il 1999 per qualcosa di normale, il nuovo secolo. — D'ora in poi il cuore sarà ♥, la neve sarà ∗, la moneta sarà €, il tempo sarà ∞, ma tu come sarai? You living underground. — Stelle filanti, stelle comete, stelle cadenti, stelle e striscie, stelle di latta, marco alle stelle. — Vivere per crecere, vivere per conoscere, vivere per sognare, vivere per morire. Tabellina da mandare a memoria senza conoscerne i rispettivi prodotti. — Precisarono che non erano fermi lì per farsi venire delle idee, ma per sapere quanta strada dovevano percorrere a piedi per arrivare là. Là si sarebbe parlato di idee e di altre cose simili. — Era sempre convinto di quello che diceva: per questo parlava pochissimo, quasi mai. — Per lui viaggiare col treno, mezzo ufficiale del vecchio continente, era come scoprire che l'Europa ha da lungo tempo il sogno di una cosa. (Qui si apre una prima questione: se valga viaggiare anche sulla ferrovia a scartamento ridotto, definita la 'ferrovia dell'Est'!) — «Pregherò per te che hai la notte nel cuor...». »BIFE INTERNET«Der europäische Kommissar geht um! The Webmaster has supposed to be right in inserting trough the original lines some additional comments after tiny researching on the following websites.
— Vai dove ti porta il cuore? No, ma lo porto sempre con me! — Come lo vuole il caffè? Senza manico e senza piattino, grazie. — Tutti in attesa di un segno del destino: il Totocalcio. — Aveva ancora intatti i suoi risparmi per un innato rifiuto del superfluo. — Era comunista, radicale, liberale, a seconda dell'ambiente circostante, così che questo gli fosse comunque ostile. Istintiva attrazione per le minoranze. — La sua professione? Outsider. — Specificare nel C.V. che si lavorava anche prima, se no perché cercare un altro lavoro? Specificare nel C.V. che si faceva un lavoro identico al prossimo, se no che chance si hanno? Peccato. Nell'outplacement, l'unica cosa certa è che sei OUT. — Si immaginava di creare delle pubblicità avveniristiche. Per i preservativi aveva ideato lo slogan: 'nisi caste, saltem caute'. — Hai meno anni del tuo numero di scarpe? Beh, allora sei ancora giovane. — Pensava che scegliere la chitarra significasse avere più successo con le ragazze. Ma poi si convinceva che il coro e la banda erano le cose davvero importanti. — Musica, musica che sta arrivando il compagno Mirko! — «Ma non vorrei che tu, a mezzanotte e tre, stai già pensando a un altro uomo...». 1989Mirror, mirror of my longings, what is the best European zoo? The Zoologischer Garten in Berlin (Tiergarten), of course...»The lost star«![]() i e t y. — How can you keep on eating under the bombing? I do it for a spite! — Recovered some paintings stolen three years ago: they are in a very good state. Illuminated thief or minister of the underground culture? — During the WWII the Belgrad Zoo was bombed twice: at first in 1941 by the German fascists and then also by the allies in 1944. Among the rare ones which remained were the hippopotamus Buca and the alligator Muja. — Sjec´as de li Natalija? Mirjana Jokovic is passionate, energetic and very European. (She's Director of Performance at www.calarts.com). — The monkey enters the tank --she has been trained so it will be a disaster! → Athens. — At the very beginning of 1992, our club was at the high of its fame. In domestic competition, the greatest rival (Dinamo) left the league, just as all the other clubs from Croatia and Slovenia did, and the championship in a Yugoslavia that was cut in size was palyed on the edge of observance in regulations, because in April the war broke out in Bosnia and Herzegovina... (www.crvenazvezdafk.com) — And what does it mean there is Yugoslavia no more? The answer up to the historian on Corriere (08/30/1999): "We have really fought a unique war from 1914 to 1989, with some time-outs here and there". — Europabrücke: he was asking if it was the righteous way to enter Europe... — The Danube (die Donau in German) and the Prater, as well as the fried chicken, are the middle of Europe. But at the outer limits of the empire the Danube isn't blue. — Music, music because today is the first of May! — Who's actually threating you? A headhunter offering a wonderful new position at a higher salary? Then be aware of being his trophy! — Or the stock market? ...It was feeling around the periodical effects of the fluctuations by the Stock Exchanges: the profits, that they were occasionally cause of, ended onto invisible hands while the losses had repercussions on (....) until the retailer and the consumer (Ivo Andric´, from 'The Bridge on the Drina'). — The concept of unrequited transfer is worth of a nation too. The YU-factor. ![]() 1999— The German language belongs to the European culture and its sweetest song will be on air forever...Vor der Kaserme, vor der grossem Tor stand eine Lanterne und steht sie noch davor... wie einst Lili Marleen (usw.) — Forse è proprio Alexanderplatz il centro dell'Europa? L'orologio stava dietro a lui che aspettava di riconoscere nella folla un tipo come Franz Biberkopf. — Let's work artists! Reinventare il muro anche se il muro non c'era più fu privilegio di pochi artisti... tra i quali Birgit Kinder: "Ich male ihre Wünsche wahr". Nostalgija. — Ideology is a thing that makes different the astronaut from the cosmonaut (unlike despite being twins). — Life is life (la la la la la) full of holes, hesitations and unexpected events. — Musica; musica! Soffiate forte in quegli ottoni ché c'è un matrimonio! YA YA (Ringe Ringe Raya). — L'unico esercizio fisico che gli piaceva era nuotare. La gente è come i pesci --così credeva -- per cui non si parlava con lui da tempo. — La statistica non lasciava spazio al dubbio. Gli uomini più vecchi sono gli ecclesiastici che per longevità superano di gran lunga gli atleti. Non erano specificate delle differenze sostanziali tra Ortodossi, Cristiani, Ebrei o Musulmani. Nella statistica nulla si diceva inoltre degli Zingari. — Il mese di maggio del novantanove i belgradesi facevano gli astronomi e scrutavano i cieli. E l'Italia? A mezz'ora dal bersaglio... (from Solo Andata by Erri De Luca) — Cosa ci fanno quelle giostre senza bambini? Aspettano la fine dei compiti o la fine della guerra. — Tutti in attesa di un segno del destino: il Lotto. — Guardare la tv senza l'audio: ristabilita la parità con la radio! — L'industria della televisione ha incorporato la propaganda e prodotto la moltiplicazione dei sosia per scopi commerciali. — La società civile ha finalmente sempre due possibili scelte politiche, tra un candidato e il suo sosia. — »The new generation doesn't know about the bombing!« As far as possible from the consequences of the war (the great madness) those happy generations have learned during 40 years that the propaganda is an old technique to manage a dangerous mènage à trois... featuring common people, political power and the course of history. And propaganda needs also the double of everyone involved. But what to say to them about the occupation? — ...It was the beginning of a new era, that of the occupation. And the people, who couldn't avoid it, did repeat that it won't be lasting forever. What didn't the bridge see during those first years of occupation! (...) As for a natural law the people did resist to the new rules, but didn't push it to the limit because the most people thought their life was more important than the form in which they were living (Ivo Andric´, from 'The Bridge on the Drina'). — Except of the opposite ones: Let's see which mother will spin the black wool... (Crni/Blacky). EUROPE: THE LIQUID THING...— It has knowledge of the Drina as a wild river, and unpredictable, where even the best swimmers may drown in (Ivo Andric´, from 'Znakovi pored puta').— Gitanes Blondes are avaiable, filtered, in Light and Regular. The Gitanes Brunes are avaiable in 70mm version, filtered or un-filtered. (www.imptob.com) — The sky above Belgrade is expansive and high... (www.aboutbelgrade.com) — The Yugoslav Handball Championship (1953-1991) was considered the highest level of handball competition in Europe. Partizan Bjelovar won 9 titles, Borac Banja Luka and Metaloplastika Sabac 7, RK Zagreb 6. After the dissolution of Yugoslavia it will be replaced by the following competitions:
— Our congregations are as we are. If they were better, we wouldn't like them. (Ivo Andric´, from 'The Chronicle of Travnik'). — 'Okruzenje' (literally neighbourhood) is a TV talk show broadcast at the same time in 5 countries of former Yugoslavia on regional channels located in Belgrade, Vrznje, Sarajevo, Podgorica, Zagreb, Banja Luka, Skopje. The guests don't belong to political parties but they have a certain prestige through the public opinion, where there are known as for taking their stands on the most delicate topics of regional current affairs. (balcanicaucaso.org) — An happy end isn't just around the corner. Indeed Croatia is becoming the 28th state of the European Union* and the fact would make sense if Croatia would be strategic on the Balkan route of migration that runs from Serbia, in the Vukovar-Srijem region, to the Schengen Area. But did Nina Senicar enter Italy by this way for real? * This isn't the time to get frivolous, EUROPE as entity has been conceived to be a liquid thing. Indeed one could count 17 member states (i.e. Eurozone or Euroland) or 23 (Euro-Plus) or 25 (these have signed the golden rule...) or 27 (the Union as a whole)! — The liquid century has began... the liquid society and the liquid television follow it! — Now you have traveled through the European night. — Meanwhile the Persians are gathering at the borders... There are seismic pressures threatening the Europe, S.O.S.!
(OUTRO) 'SOS' is interior geography conceived in praise of Ivo Andric´ and after reading his Na Drini cuprija, 'The Bridge on the Drina', and other novels. 1961 Ivo Andric´ was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. |
©2012 Roberto Dondi-www.dmlr.org
Europa (banner) k®ea'ti:v DonRo donro@dmlr.org
Issued { June 30, 2012 (preview).