DMLR*News Gold
November 2001

Archive 2001

GOLD VII, Oct. 01

GOLD VI, Jul. 01

GOLD V, Apr. 01

GOLD IV, Jan. 01

BRIEF Italian v.

DMLR*Newsletter — BRIEF, Nov.2001

--D-- DMLR Interactive.
A. You ought to consider I have got the subscriber #500 on Oct. 12th. That number's "all included": active/former subscribers, fake senders, double forms or emails. A rough but historic counting since the first subscriber in 1997. So you may easily get the average number per year, 125 (= 500/4).
You might also think that it's not so much. Right! Probably DMLR fullfils a niche of marketing readers. Regular growing numbers make a worthy community around this newsletter. Thank you all twice.
(PS. Forward this email to colleagues or friends or subscribe for him/her to get one trial copy..;)
B. There were 180 searches for the 3 months starting on Jul. 29th and ending on Oct. 27th. (Note: stats are limited to queries from the main page).
Here is the top phrases searched:
3 for "marketing relazionale" (result: 66 documents)
3 for "carta fedeltà" (6).
Here is the top words searched:
3 for "customer" (21)
3 for "promozioni" (4).
C. Online Poll results as of October 30th.
Your votes say the three ways to know are:
--M-- Magazine.
The Brooklyn Cigar Co. shop pictured on the movie 'Blue In The Face' (by Wang & Auster, 1995) is an actual brick and mortar venue. And the people rotating around it or chattin' and downin' each other into, are seeking for goods the kind you find in a second hand store. The movie features the community joining in that shop, where everyone is allowed --low life, nabe face, outsider-- to be a star for a little. The power of a local community is simple. The power of a virtual community is simple too. The Web community is growing at the pace of a city during the industrial revolution. So come and be care of your apartment on the Internet or find a prime location where cut loose!
After starting your own website under the counter you probably can't quit. Like smokers! Website runners for personal purpose won't be able to leave for good. Why?
- Enjoy Web publishing
- Friends/Subscribers read it
- Job related tool
- Addiction/Habit
- Risk of weight gain.
For some of these good reasons I myself never quitted the DMLR project. Read more,
--L-- Launching.
...the next magazine by DMLR. It's about the black people wanting to join ethnic websites on the Internet. Why now? To win a book on Direct Marketing! Find the page and, if you succeed in doing it, read the final DMLR password and type it into the subject line and email to
The first and right one will win the book. I will contact the winner by email or phone to get the address to deliver to. This play runs throughout November for subscribers only!
--R-- Reprise.
To interact with DMLR online services:
- Find your words and topics on already issued articles and documents, at
- Online Poll: One Q? For You!
How were you informed on This is the only pay-off due to receive this free e-news. Please vote once at
- General statistics on DMLR reader and subscriber at
Next installment:
DMLR*News Brief, December.
Copyright 2001:05 - All rights reserved (except where indicated).
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