DMLR*Newsletter — GOLD Edition n.40
I. Diamonds (and Pearls).
Dear Member,
DMLR*News it's not over yet. It's only going to junk his past. This Gold Edition is, if nothing else, raw and real and this June issue of the newsletter will deal mainly with important reminders on how to make the most of facts you may have missed... how to involve your best friends to subscribe it... and how to get much more information on both new media hype and old-fashioned marketing. Please, read on...
Dmlr.org has always had new recommendations for you on items you probably have neither read nor purchased yet. From the main menu of the website I'm rotating every two months a title useful to marketers and during the last year these books/authors have been going into the light:
- "Marketing Genius" by Peter Fisk
- "The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use News Releases, Blogs, Podcasting, Viral Marketing and Online Media to Reach Buyers Directly" by David Meerman Scott
- "International Marketing" by Philip R. Cateora, John Graham
- "Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable" and/or "All Marketers Are Liars: The Power of Telling Authentic Stories in a Low-Trust World" both by Seth Godin
- "Truth, Lies & Advertising - The Art of Account Planning" by Jon Steel
- "Business To Business Direct Marketing" by Robert W. Bly
Furthermore in June I've already recommended another title aiming basically to your Internet strategy: How to Use the Internet to Advertise, Promote and Market Your Business or Website with Little or No Money by Bruce C. Brown.
On this special 40th issue, having survived a lackadasical association with Amazon.com and still managing to reach an increasing mature audience, I'm poised for the next step, i.e. the software! As someone who has been using the computer for working and/or shopping, or as someone who has experienced guides for computer operating systems and applications, you may be interested in exploring more books focusing on technology, programs and such a brand new device as Amazon Kindle...
-- Programming Collective Intelligence: Building Smart Web 2.0 Applications
-- Essential ActionScript 3.0
-- RESTful Web Services
-- Programming WCF Services
-- Photoshop Elements 6: The Missing Manual
-- Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Leopard Edition
-- iPhone: The Missing Manual.
And Amazon Kindle?
Amazon Kindle is a revolutionary portable reader that wirelessly downloads books, newspapers, magazines and blogs to a crisp, high-resolution electronic paper display that looks and reads like real paper, even in bright sunlight.
Kindle customers can wirelessly shop the Kindle Store and download new content all without a PC or a WiFi hot spot. Amazon pays for Kindle's wireless connectivity so there are no monthly wireless bills and no service commitments for customers. The Kindle Store contains over 90,000 books that can be purchased and delivered wirelessly to Kindle, each in less than a minute. Customers can choose from hundreds of top newspapers, magazines and blogs and have their subscriptions auto-delivered wirelessly.
To learn more about Amazon Kindle, please visit the detail page where you will find a wealth of information including video demonstrations, product specifications, and more.
II. Minneapolis.
As for my arrival in Minneapolis I was inspired by the music of MPLS, a funky jam from a funky city --mixed and edited at Paisley Park Studios [www.paisleyparkstudios.com]. But I also knew that sometimes it snows in April...
That spring a fair amount of snow welcomed me in a city not too grey since the red and blue of the sky have been mixing with one other to let everyone guess which is the dominant color of the night. Looking up the city pages [www.citypages.com] I was determined to discover the highlights where I would have had to lay back after turning my back on my headquarters for making the best bets.
Day One: first I was impressed by the outdoor Sculptur Garden that contained 11 acres of manicured natural beauty and 40 innovative works by local and international artists... including the quaint 'Spoonbridge and Cherry'. Indeed I was hosted on a B&B very close to the Walker Art Center, which I visited as my first occupation.
Day Two: secondly I was thrilled about the Mississippi River that is not yet the great father of America... maybe is just the kid leaving his 10,000 lakes behind and going south into legend. I walked along the shoreline until the mill marked by Gold Medal Flour appeared to me like if I should have seen again that old port sketched 1925 by Louis Lozowick. Industrial archaeology!
Day Three: On the road for all the time, I ran almost out of juice to a historic firehouse building, then theatre of a musical review. There I was rewarded by Jevetta S., one of the angelic voices performing up there. In the half-time of the show I met even pianist Tommy B. whose presence remembered me that after all I was an official member of the N.P.G. music club... After leaving the venue, I made my way until my Uptown room.
The Minneapolis heritage surviving on www.dmlr.org is just this newsletter published by an old prospector panning for gold!
PS. Read part I of the trip in the USA on DMLR*News no.38!
PPS. Just 1996 overseas visitors to the USA were asked about the leisure and recreation activities they most participated in. Here the answers
Shopping 84%
Dining in restaurants 69%
Sightseeing in cities 64%
Water sports/sunbathing 35%
Visit historical places 30%
(Source: U.S. Travel and Tourism Administration, on USA TODAY).
III. Live Tour '88.
Every year this newsletter looks after some facts happened twenty years ago within the consumer markets. This time we are holding back the year 1988. What's going down those days?
While I was attending two concerts from the same live tour with the man who needs no introduction at the centre of a 360-degree stage that mesmerized audiences and critics from Germany to Italy...
[:)] Italians were going to spend about 700 billions of old Liras to feed 4.7 million dogs and almost 5 million cats.
[:(] Italy was positioned at the first ranks in the world as consumer of pesticides with 500 grams per hectare.
[:o] Over 50 percent of Italians consuming wine, bought that directly from a producer or social wine shop, with a prevailing transportation of the liquid by demijohn.
[:x] The first wine cooler --drink made from wine, fruit juice and carbonated water-- came to commercialization in Italy. The content of alcohol was limited to 3-5 percent and that product's name was 'Friendy'.
[:)] Ferrari sparkling wine company was entering the Chinese market. Indeed a contract supplying 220 boxes each of 12 bottles of the Trentino chardonnay was signed in order to symbolize the opening offered by the People's Republic of China.
IV. Reflection.
Why asking a subscription confirmation if one is going to subscribe a Web-based newsletter?
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PS. Therefore, if you really want to subscribe a friend or workmate, better you had to inform that person on the page where she could get a willful subscription, that is always www.dmlr.org/subscribe.htm.
V. Direct Marketing.
The DIRECT MARKETING glossary is available on DMLR in a 3-document edition (PDF) you can browse here or easily download onto your desktop.
It consists of 19 pages as a whole, 311 paragraphs/terms, 236 Kb, 7450 words, 44772 types!
Select and print the three parts of the glossary in English from PDF::Menu.
Sure the Internet has been changing the traditional snail-mail based direct marketing. And yet the Internet marketing is a consequence of the old direct marketing somehow. Many terms you'll find inside the DM glossary are suiting for the e-mail marketing too...
VI. Linked
(I have received the following information that fast forward to you all). The new Brandweek.com will offer in-depth reporting and analysis of eight key marketing functions: Direct, Promotion, CRM, Packaging & Design, Digital, Incentive, Shopper Marketing and Licensing.
Visit Brandweek.com for real-time marketing coverage.
VII. MyQuiz.
Where can you read the articles of DMLR*News issued the first year (1997)?
Find answer on DMLR*News Gold no.18.
Copyright 2008 - All rights reserved (except where indicated).
Issued: June 16th, 2008.
Dondi --word processing, HTML and the ropes. |