Blue Ribbon |
The story are us...Internet and social networks are full of steam about the brands anniversaries. You can believe that every day is an anniversary day to something iconic or classic or unreal. Smart, the compact car, have been launched in 1993 that is exactly 20 years ago when compact was good #smartfortwo That same year represnts the beginning of Power Rangers, 20 years of awesome morphing action! [tweet] The period (1993-2013) is just celebrated by Wired, a magazine about the most powerful people on the planet: the digital generation. [tweet] Meanwhile Diet Coke unveils 30th anniversary hunk advertising... #diet? Lamborghini are going to celebrate 50th of kinky cars, something killer if you think it's the same anniversary of 007! Lacoste apart (80) Swiss brands are very active in partying for their brands. Bally celebrates 60 years of Everest ascent and 30 years the age of Swatch, with two collections every year. Finally the Wizard of Oz and Superman are old companions from 75 years! PS: here 610 got 10th birthday... (Last updated: 05/06/2013) |
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Coffee break |
Less than 140 charactersAt the vending machine or in a cafeteria #coffee break reading headlines from local, national or global news, all the truth came to me in less than 140 characters. "17m, the whirlwind damage" it has come and gone away but very close to my town while the neighbor filmed it by cell phone. "Government eliminating IMU" home sweet home... "Brawl at the bowling, two girls fight for the same boyfriend" brunette versus blond in the lowlife series of look! #look "The fashion of fusion restaurants" 70% Chinese cuisine, 10% Japanese, 10% Italian, 10% competitive pricing. "Rain and wind menace the country" so I have seen two rainbows in the same week! "GDP has fallen in seven consecutive quarters" the Great Domestic Poverty. #GDP Movie premieres? Iron Man 3... Fast & Furious 6... No! #bigpicture PS. THIS AIN'T A TEA PARTY! (Last updated: 05/16/2013) |
RAI Nothing new! |
Carosello (reloaded)An obsolete format of TV advertising is come back! Carosello was buried since 1977 and nobody feels unwell for the lack. Only the poet had the right words to explain this come back: how much unrestrainedness have desires? many saints does a cemetery hold? Our problem is that RAI #RAI is servant of two masters, one of them don't pay his fee... (Last updated: 05/06/2013) |
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World days as of April... |
Lifecycles!What have we strongly experienced this week? Maybe the 43rd Earth Day as scheduled by UNO... or the Book World Day #bookmark. To face up to the projection of 9.3 billion human beings within 2050, we all are invited to eat less flesh and fish #overfishing. In reply to this warning I first turned from tuna fish and smoked salmon to anchovy and sardines --but packed very close together, too scared? #Peta. As for the land animals I keep on eating that two times #killingmesoftly a week. (It's easy to follow me with this argument: 2 absolute vegans get lesser impact than 7-8 omnivores reducing their consumes of flesh by half, i.e. 0.2<0.4). Beyond fast-growing population, I report here a fast-declining book's market and the underdeveloped consume of culture on print paper: so it should be better saved large areas of forest!? (Last updated: 04/25/2013) |
Light verses... Spring '13 |
Haiku #30Whatever your style Counting but five, seven, five Syllables I write (Last updated: 04/23/2013) |
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Emma for... president |
Women of impact!The reputable Newsweek #Newsweek has published the list of "125 Women of Impact" #WomenInWorld. Inside the list I didn't find the women of impact to me... For example, Emma Bonino #emmabonino who's a likely candidate for president of the Italian republic. Her strengths: as former EU commissioner she's skilled on the spread, as radical she knows how to manage the party politics. Her weakness: she's both brave and competent! (Last updated: 04/12/2013) |
BRIC-even point FAQ pt.I |
The Future...An easy guess is that the most rising economies, aka BRIC --Brazil, Russia, India, China-- will go slower probably after 2015. Q: and then what will happen to the world so much dependent from BRIC's growth? #BRIC A: today best economies will be tomorrow competitive markets on convenience goods! PS. MAY YOU LIVE TO SEE THE DOWNFALL... (Last updated: 04/07/2013) |
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Great Period |
The Present...Italy is paying (and will be paying) by the strange circumstance for that the consensus came up against the lawfulness. Period. #MicroMega (Last updated: 04/06/2013) |
La Gola 30 years ago... |
How a great magazine came to produce food culture in Italy.1983 I began reading La Gola, monthly of food and techniques of material living {what a mission! Now tell me who in the social media knows about that throat? Maybe Gianni Riotta #riotta who wrote the article "Italian chefs in New York" for a Bloomingdale's special. La Gola was building my food sanctaury during the decade of hedonism, but it actually was a mirror of the changes inside the Italian way of cooking, eating and consuming food... Every issue spread throughout onto the eternal conflict of enjoying food or getting benefit from it, the marketing war of Coke vs. Pepsi, the commercial dispute between Italian spumante and French champagne, the philosophy of the smell and the taste, the supremacy of the Mediterranean diet despite the fast food invasion, the American controversy of such trends as obesity and fitness, the globalization of consumers behavior and the surviving of local kitchen's tradition #SlowFood, the modern convenience of vegetables and pork meat, the accounting of business and know-how behind the Italian food valleys, and much more. PS. ADVERTISEMENT ON LA GOLA (1988): PETRUS BOONEKAMP, THE SUCCESS HAS GOT A BITTER TASTE. (Last updated: 03/28/2013) |
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The Modern Croods |
3D glasses: outdoor use may be hazardous!The last week touched the modern family by means of the happiness international day... #Happiness, and ended at the movie theaters where the same family largely approved "The Croods" #DWAnimation. I don't know if the croods is a nickname for Cromagnon, but I think so. In the filmed story the Croods aim to survive despite of all the changes occurred in their prehistorical world. Today a modern family, unless the earthquake hurts again, could be threatened by the marketers above all. Particularly the ones launching a brand new city car named as the first man on this planet, Adam. So after viewing that car commercial during this successful film, the modern families get crude and go back to the cavern... without 3D glasses and any charming car! (Last updated: 03/25/2013) |
Behind a Sharing EconomyWhen Italians are considering their accounts, it results a debt of 34,000 euro per head because of the national debt #Habemus Debitum. Every and each of us being a shareholder of the Italian state that is heavily in debt! This status would have nothing to do with the so called Sharing Economy #sharingeconomy but... We could think of "sharing economy" as the good marketing made for cars or bikes used by a great number of users in order to reduce every single charge. Or we could approach "sharing economy" into a temporary store as the product distribution on a short period from a strategic selling point. My own experience of this sharing is scratch but always on, since I'm waiting for the restitution of two bikes disappeared in four years: at this time nobody came to the due place to share back! PS. HABEMUS DEBITUM... SHOULD THEY BE THIEVES ON WHEELS? (Last updated: 03/17/2013) |
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M11S |
♥ black and blueInter marks 105 years. Happy birthday football club! And long life to InterCampus #Intercampus, a social experience active from Qingdao to Sittat, from Rionegro to Saranda, from Nablus to Recife... The Movement of 11 Stars. (Last updated: 03/09/2013) |
Cacao Meravigliao (the induced demand) |
Bittersweet Election DaySomeone who knows very well the TV offering system once said: «Buy Cacao Meravigliao!», and Italian consumers got up to buy a not existing product. The end. As chocoholic my preferences go to three cacao crus in this order, Teyuna - Sur del Lago - Arriba by Domori #Domori. The bittersweet chocolate did remember me the election day... since cacao seeds were historically used as an exchange medium! It isn't possible to laugh or cry about an election result because behind it there are people waiting for the reducing of fiscal pressure or the redemption of house taxes or the defeat of unemployment. All these promises have been guaranteed by one or another competitor, so the electorship will fight to the bitter end for arousing their pleasure. But... Dear matter-of-fact voter, how will you be redeemed now? Was yours an exchange voting for real? PS. MAYBE THERE IS A CONNECTION TO THE COLUMBUS DAY... (Last updated: 02/28/2013) |
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February of a twitter... |
Sheer Paradise for Twitter UsersIn the middle we always find it, St. Valentine's Day #VDay --dedicated to the coupled hearts. But February is much more than a classic lovable moment. Only two days before Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday on 12th) helped us become another kind of person, thanks to the Mask. And just 24 hours sooner it came the World Radio Day #WorldRadioDay. Listen to the radio, loose! The result of this 3-day feasting will be a... penitence during the next forty, but what a best-selling month for the posts on social media. (Last updated: 02/16/2013) |
Italy's got Talent for... |
Study vs. occupation: a long and stormy debate?Statistics show that 58,000 students vanished from the Italian universities. Most of them probably found their way into some suitable occupations, for example that is going to compete at TV contests such as "Italy's got talent" #Bah!. From a business perspective, don't worry about that trend because of two reasons, a) the entrepreneur ability is likely as not belonging to men able to play politics and b) the managing class continues to build up for high living --not from principles. For non-graduates the show business represents a better field to study. Meanwhile today it could be stormy and snowy weather #Weather_Report! (Last updated: 02/11/2013) |
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The Great Rotation coming soon... |
Today prediction!The Grat Rotation is not the heavy rotation: the one is referring to financial matter, the other is about retail marketing assessment --so they call G.R. the move out of bonds into stocks or something like that. As for marketers the G.R. could be a general turning of consumer preferences from low priced articles into branded or premium products #Lovemarks. The prediction of future behavior by ordinary people isn't an easy task and usually the massive social groups are not following the financial investors when they are on cloud nine, since the fiscal paradises don't come down to ordinary people. Maybe there is a bond between stocks and brands as they are both good answers to the mid-term issue of money management! PS. AND DOES A RETAIL THERAPY MAKE YOU FEEL HAPPIER? (Last updated: 01/31/2013) |
YouR DReaM iS PoSSiBLe (DoN'T KiLL iT) |
«Dreams are not a luxury. Your dream is possible!»The outline of our dream has been profiled by Oliviero Toscani for one of the most iconic dream car --Porsche #Porsche Carrera 911. Around the prominent silhouette of a silver model, the colorful crative text evokes what is a dream car made of // fantasy, passion, intimacy, emotion.... Moreover the advertising statement explains in a direct way what is a dream allowed by // the bravery! Now... search for the 911 manifesto but handle it with care. Props and favors to be addressed at PS. AS FOR ME, I COULD DRIVE A 917 ONLY... SORRY! (Last updated: 01/21/2013) |
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The Hierarchy of Needs according to McDonald's (NYSE: MCD) |
3,000 people to hire in three years!So McD's #McDStories opens the new year with the good news broadcasted by the newspapers. Their institutional advertising campaign says, more or less: Italians, don't be afraid of working for our fast food chain.... What does it really mean? Since I'm used to consume at McD's twice a month, because they are located at strategic points of selling in the city, I will account here my average spending that is 12 euro per visit. Not too much if you consider that thru that sum a modern family #ModernFam is going to eat, or more exacly a modern poor family of 4 people. As McD's has planned to hire 3,000 people in three years, the project is to accomplish the task of feeding many new poors and especially helping children if no-good parents leave the baby behind. The global company is just aiming to meet socially this reasonable trend... So be cautious before you think of McD's as the best employer that's ever been heard about --its brand value teach us McD's will even up the score. PS. ALL THIS S*** IS ABOUT OUR HIERARCHY NEEDS AND HOW D-NEEDS WILL BE PRIORITY IN 2013 AND FURTHER... (Last updated: 01/18/2013) |
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